Judy shares the Good News of the Gospel that we are all sheep in need of a shepherd. Jesus the Good Shepherd protects, preserves, and provides. Psalm 23 is unpacked in this Journey with Judy Podcast.
W.W.W. - What women want. Judy shares the desires of a woman heart placed within us by God and that which can only be fulfilled by Him. Learn more about these core desires that were placed in our hearts right from the start.
Judy discusses the called and gifted document which included the call to holiness, community, mission and christian maturity. When we are living out these.. we leave aa much different legacy.
Judy talks about the measureless love of God. We try to measure up to and for God others and ourselves only to feel we have fallen short. May we have the power to grasp how wide, how high, how deep, and how long the measureless love of God is for us!!!