
Showing posts from July, 2020

Wise Up

Judy discussed what it means to be wise in God's eyes. Learn what the book of Proverbs says about wisdom and folly.

Blessed Are We

Judy shares the sermon on the mount teaching of Jesus known as the BEATITUDES. We are to blessed to be stressed and Jesus tells us how to BE the Beatitudes.

All Lives Matter

Judy discusses the great two! All you gotta do is t do theses two. Love the Lord and love your neighbor as yourself. We need to reminded of the dignity of all people.


Judy shares the beauty of candid feedback from those we love. What's it like to be on the other side of me? Scripture says a wise person will hear and increase learning and understanding. May we have the grace to hear feedback and ponder the things we hear in our heart and take it to the Lord in prayer.